I have been absolutely terrible at keeping up with my blog posts, but I’ve had good reasons! I have been incredible busy with my current project 'Inspired By Books'. I have made over 200 lino prints, (which i now have to sign and edition) various clay pieces and other bits totalling around 40 pieces of art altogether. I have also been working my normal job two days a week and have been running 2 weekly art clubs. Now coming to the end of the project with about 8 weeks left, I have also been busy interviewing authors. Extremely fun for a book addict that’s for sure! I will share these with you in time.
One thing I am certain of after doing this solo project is that I 100% want to be a full time artist. I am so grateful to Creative Scotland for funding this project. I have loved having the time and freedom to create. It's just not that easy though, there's a million things to do behind the scenes and paper work and marketing etc not just creating the actual art. It's been very educational for me constantly learning and overcoming problems.
One thing I am trying to work on is social media and websites. You really need to be constantly posting and promoting to get seen. I’m not so good at trying to sell my art, but that will be changing in the next 2 months, so keep an eye out for when this happens. I would love to hear from other artists and how they are getting on with promoting themselves online, I have seen alot of posts recently from very well known artist that say their views have just dropped so dramatically so at least it isnt just me struggling to be seen. Everyone who has shared a post or liked or subscribed, I appreciate this very much, Thank You.
I will be doing another blog post soon with some exciting news!
Katie xxx